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Chancellor and Revelle Medal Nomination Guidelines and Submissions

Below are nomination guidelines for the Chancellor and Revelle Medals. Please review the guidelines carefully and submit your nomination via the form below.

Chancellor’s Medal

  • Nominations require the endorsement of a Vice Chancellor and must be received by August 1 in order to be considered for the upcoming academic year.
  • Nominees should be individuals, couples or families who have made a transformative impact on UC San Diego and the region through their involvement with the university and their support for students, research, health care, capital projects, or other initiatives and programs on campus.
  • Medalists are selected by the Chancellor in consultation with campus leaders based on the nominee’s campus activities and leadership; medals are conferred annually.

Revelle Medal

  • The deadline for Revelle Medal nominations is Friday, June 14, 2024 by the end of the business day. Nomination submissions for the Revelle Medal are currently open.
  • Nominee must be a retired or emeriti UC San Diego faculty member.
  • Nominators must be associated with UC San Diego. Each nomination must be reviewed by the relevant senior academic officer (Executive Vice Chancellor – Academic Affairs, the Vice Chancellor – Health Sciences, or Vice Chancellor – Marine Sciences) in advance of submission for consideration. The Chancellor will issue a call for nominations and will encourage the Academic Senate to nominate faculty for the Revelle Medal. In making the selection, the Chancellor will confer with the campus academic leadership and the Chair and Vice Chair of the Academic Senate.
  • The Revelle Medal recipient must be willing to be present at the Founders Day celebration to receive the Medal.

Submit a Medal Nomination

Below is the form to submit a nomination for the Chancellor's Medal and/or the Revelle Medal

If you have further questions about your nomination, or the process in general, please phone (858) 534-3135.